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How do you keep a masculine frame in a relationship? 8 ways to stay masculine in a relationship

masculine frame in a relationship

Your ability to keep a masculine frame in a relationship will determine whether your girlfriend or wife respects you or not. For a woman to respect or submit to you, you have to be a masculine man.

Although women cannot admit it, they are instinctively attracted to masculine men. It’s not that they want to be attracted to him it’s just how they are biologically wired. As a man, if you want to enjoy your relationships with women and get the respect you deserve from other men, you have to be a masculine man.

What you must understand about women is that, once you shift from your masculine to your feminine energy, women will naturally assume a masculine role. She will not treat you like a man if you lack a masculine frame.

Here is how you can keep a masculine frame in a relationship:


    1. Smile less often.

What you must understand is that too much smile gives off feminine energyAccording to research, happiness is more attractive in a woman than it is in a man. This doesn’t mean you have to be angry all the time but pride is more masculine.

The thing is, if you show your teeth too much to women, they will take you for granted. There is a reason women are attracted to bad boys who don’t smile too much. In a woman’s mind, when a man doesn’t smile, it shows strength.

The brooding type of man is more appealing to women because it shows masculinity. If you are a contemplative type of man, a woman will be more likely to respect you or take you seriously.

To keep a masculine frame in a relationship as a man, you must avoid Colgate’s smile and smirk instead. When a man shows his teeth when he smiles, it is considered a weakness. A smirk on the other hand makes a man seem mysterious.

        2. You can keep a masculine frame in a relationship by being decisive.

The other way a man can keep a masculine frame in a relationship is by understanding that you are the head of the relationship. As a man, you shouldn’t rely on a woman to make decisions. She has to look up to you because women are the most indecisive creatures in the world.

If you want to keep a woman feminine, you must be good at making quick decisions and be sure of them. You don’t want her to see you as a wishy-washy kind of man. Women only follow a man who seems to be sure of himself.

When you believe in your ability to make decisions, you will be able to keep a masculine frame in a relationship because there is nothing that attracts a woman than a man who believes in himself.

The thing is that, when you are decisive as a man, it shows that you are a natural leader. You keep a masculine frame in a relationship by possessing natural leadership qualities.

        3. Set boundaries.

You can keep a masculine frame in a relationship by understanding that even though you are in a relationship, you are still an individual. You may be in a relationship but you must still have your own identity. Just because you love each other doesn’t mean you must be her doormat.

The reason most men are so afraid to draw the line is because they think it might upset a woman but who cares? If she doesn’t want to respect you as a man then you shouldn’t be in a relationship with her in the first place.

To keep a masculine frame in a relationship a woman must understand it’s not ok to do things that cross your boundaries. You shouldn’t give a woman a pass when she does something you don’t like because she will talk behind your back to her friends about how weak of a man you are.

Setting boundaries shows that you respect yourself as a man and you are not anyone doormat. If you allow her to disrespect you, she will continue to do so because you are teaching her it’s okay to disrespect you.

        4. You must be goal-oriented to keep a masculine frame in a relationship.

The biggest mistake most men make is putting their goals aside for a woman. That’s a huge mistake because women may say that’s what they want but it’s not true. You cannot maintain a masculine frame in a relationship if you have nothing going on in your life outside of her.

Women are attracted to a man who is a challenge. You cannot be a challenge if you are always available. If you are a man who is focused on his goals then you can maintain a masculine frame in a relationship.

To become a man she respects, you must be a man of purpose. Your dreams and aspirations shouldn’t be less important just because you are in a relationship. The moment you throw your dreams out of the window because you met the woman of your dreams is the moment you lose your masculinity.

There is nothing that makes a man more masculine than when he is driven. If you lack masculine drive as a man, you cannot maintain a masculine frame in a relationship.

        5. Behave like a man.

The number one thing you must stop doing to keep a masculine frame in a relationship is gossiping. The thing is, when you are with your wife or girlfriend, you shouldn’t be discussing other people. If you do that, she will not treat you as a man but she will see you as her gay friend.

To keep a masculine frame in a relationship, you must do things that men do. Everything that society considers masculine like taking risks, being assertive, or working hard must be part of you.

The thing about women is that, they don’t respect a man who acts like them. When you are with your girl, she shouldn’t feel like she is with her friends or a gay man. To know that you act like a man when a woman is with you, she shouldn’t behave in the same way she behaves when she is with her friends or sisters. She has to respect you as a man and treat you with honor.

     6. You can keep a masculine frame in a relationship by having standards.

Having standards means knowing what you want and expect from a woman. You cannot keep a masculine frame in a relationship if you don’t know how you want your woman to behave. As a man, you must make yourself someone worthy of having standards. 

A woman can have high standards of the man she wants at 18 without achieving anything. As a man it is different. You cannot be an average man and have high dating standards. If you endured years of suffering to make yourself a better man then, you are worthy of having high standards.

The reason most men can’t keep a masculine frame in a relationship is that they have no standards. If she can go to a club without you and come back anytime she wants then she doesn’t respect you as her man.

Just like women have the right to say they want a tall, rich, and handsome man, so if you are a man and also want to keep a masculine frame in a relationship, you have a right to say you want a young woman with no children. As a man, you have the right to want whatever you want in a relationship.

      7. Being yourself.

The last thing you want to do if you want to keep a masculine frame in a relationship is change who you are to make a woman like you more. For how long will you be pretending to be someone else? Life is too short to be living up to someone else’s expectations. If you have to change yourself for a woman, then she is not the right one for you. For intimacy to exist, you must be able to share your genuine self with your partner.

You cannot keep a masculine frame in a relationship if you believe who you are is not good enough. The thing is that being authentic is not easy. Many people will judge you and make you feel like it’s wrong to be yourself so you have to be how they want you to be for them to accept you. If you can be yourself despite the criticism, women will respect you more.

         8. Controlling your emotions allows you to keep a masculine frame in a relationship.

To keep a masculine frame in a relationship, you must not be overly emotional. Women are more emotional than men so if both of you act the same, then the relationship will not work. One must be logical to keep things sane.

Although you cannot remain unemotional 24/7 but most of the time, you must be able to control your emotions. You can maintain a masculine frame in a relationship as a man if you are not easily shaken.

If you always cry or panic when life presents challenges then you are a man that no woman under the sky can respect. Since women are more emotional than men, they want a man who can remain calm and logical even if the situation makes it impossible to be.

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