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Do girls like to be asked out? 6 reasons she wants to be asked out.

like to be asked out

Yes, but there is more to it. Girls like to be asked out but by not just any man. You have to be the man she is genuinely attracted to for her to be excited when you ask her out. Girls like to be asked out by high-value men, not a desperate guy who is ready to sleep with any woman who opens her legs for him.

The thing you must know about women is that, they put on makeup and look good to get the attention of men who won’t easily give it to them. If you are an average guy working a normal job, then you are not the guy she is dressed up for.

For women to value your attention, you have to be a high-value man. You have to be better than other men in all areas of your life. She doesn’t want to be asked out by a lazy loser with no job or goals in his life.

Do you think a girl would be excited when a guy who seem like he gave up in life asks her out? She wants to be asked out by a guy who seems to have drive.

Here are the reasons why girls like to be asked out:

    1. It makes them feel wanted.

Girls like to be asked out because it makes them feel like they are desired. Who wouldn’t want to feel like they are likable to the opposite sex? The thing is, when you know that a person of the opposite sex wants you, it raises your self-esteem.

It doesn’t matter what anyone tells you, we all want to be wanted. As a man, you want to be wanted by girls. You want girls to enjoy being around you. Girls also feel the same about high-value men. When she is asked out by a high-value man, she feels like she has been allowed to be part of his life.

        2. Girls like to be asked out because it makes them feel special.

Out of all the girls in the world, the high-value man wants her. What girl wouldn’t feel special over that?

What you need to know about high-value men is that they ignore women. When you are a guy who is known to ignore women, she will feel special when you open your mouth to talk to her. High-value men don’t talk to women for fun so when they finally do she will feel special.

The thing is that a high-value man lives a busy lifestyle. It makes her feel special when she knows this man could have been somewhere else doing something important with his time, but he chose to be with me. 

A girl likes to be asked out by a guy who has many options with women (meaning many girls desire him), but he chooses her.

        3. It makes them feel beautiful.

One of the reasons girls like to be asked out is that it makes them feel beautiful. If the person of the opposite sex wants you, you instantly feel like the most attractive person in any room. If you are a high-ranking man and you make it known that you want her, she will feel like the most beautiful woman around.

The thing you must know is, that women know that men are attracted to how they look because it is the first thing they notice when they see her. Women put on makeup because they know that men are visual creatures. Men are more attracted to what they see than to what they feel so if a high-value man wants her, she will instantly feel beautiful.

If you look like a desperate man, she won’t feel beautiful because it shows that you just don’t care and you are ready to settle with any woman. For her to feel beautiful, you must be the man that women seek approval from.

       4. Attention is the reason girls like to be asked out.

Girls like to be asked out because they love a high-value man’s attention. When a woman gets the attention of a high-value man, she feels like the luckiest woman alive because a high-value man doesn’t give his attention to women like that. He believes that a woman has to prove to him why he must talk to her.

The thing is that the average woman gets so much attention from men that she doesn’t appreciate it. As human beings, we only appreciate things we have earned. Women also don’t appreciate free attention. If a man just gives her attention without doing anything to earn it, she will see him as low value.

The sad part about women is that they may talk to you and use you for attention and validation knowing they will never sleep with you. She may love your attention but not like you.

       5. It gives them confidence.

Girls like to be asked out because it boosts their self-esteem. What you must know about women is that, they are very insecure creatures. She needs the validation of a man for her to feel good about herself.

One of the reasons girls like to be asked out by a confident man is that how a man feels is how she will feel. If the man she is walking with down the street is confident, she will feel more secure. If you are a nervous wreck and your palms get sweaty when you talk to her, she will also feel the same.

One of the reasons girls like to be asked out is that, when they date a high-value man, they know that others will also perceive him as high-value.

    6. Girls don’t know how to lead.

Girls like to be asked out because they are natural-born followers. They only feel more comfortable being followers than being leaders. It is a man’s job to ask a girl out so if a man is timid, he is not getting any date.

Girls are the most indecisive creatures in the world. She wants a decisive man that she can follow. The thing is that when it is a girl who asks a man out, she is forced to assume a masculine role she doesn’t want. The only way she can feel feminine is if she follows a man’s lead.

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