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What is masculine behavior in a relationship.

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Having masculine behavior in a relationship is about acting like a man. A girl must feel different when she is in your presence than she does when she is in the presence of other men. The thing is, she shouldn’t feel like she is with other females. As a man, you must possess the masculine energy that makes women feel feminine when you enter the room.

If you want to make your woman respect you, you must behave like a man. The reason women don’t like nice guys is because they act like women. The only topic that feminine men are interested in is discussing others. To be masculine in a relationship, you shouldn’t belittle other men to make yourself look big. The act of talking about other men behind their backs is feminine because it shows that you are intimidated by them.

For a relationship to function properly, a man has to be masculine while a woman must be in her feminine energy. If you both act feminine, she will treat you in the same way she treats her friends, and respect will be what is lacking in your relationship.

Here is what defines masculine behavior in a relationship:


    1. Being unromantic.

The thing is that as a man, you shouldn’t be seeking a relationship. To feel like a man, a woman has to be the one who invests more in a relationship. Masculine behavior in a relationship is when a man acts too casual instead of trying to take things seriously.

It is a manly behavior to not want to be in a relationship. I have found that all the relationships where I was the one who was pursuing a relationship, didn’t work. If you are a man and you have to remind her that you love her multiple times a day, then you are not acting masculine. A woman has to be the one who wants to be certain whether you love her.

A man must focus on his purpose instead of being lovey-dovey. It is difficult to fully understand women because they are not logical creatures. She may say she wants a romantic man but when you become like that she reacts with boredom. When you start focusing on your purpose she will be complaining about not giving her attention. I think it’s better to limit the amount of time you spend with her than having her complain that you are all over her.

Women don’t like it when a man is soft. She doesn’t want a man who is going to stay at home cooking for her or acting like her mother. The moment you say you want a girlfriend to take care of her the more they will run away from you.

        2. Being assertive is a masculine behavior in a relationship.

Now being assertive is not the same as being the loudest talker. Being assertive is about being able to calmly assert your rights. Asserting yourself in a relationship is not about controlling her. You just know what you want and don’t want in a relationship. You are a man when you can calmly tell the woman the things you will not tolerate. If you don’t like her spending too much on your credit card or going to the club and coming back late you must let her know. This doesn’t mean you are trying to change her but you are just trying to see if she is what you want in a woman and if she is not, she can walk away because there are women who are.

Assertiveness is a masculine behavior in a relationship because it shows you can lead. Being assertive doesn’t mean your way or the highway but you are just decisive. A woman is comfortable with being the one who asks about what to do or where to go and all you do is to decide. A woman doesn’t even know what’s best for her, she wants you to decide and she can go with whatever you go with.

The other essential thing about masculine behavior in a relationship is the ability to say no. The thing is that it is ok to be nice to women but you must also tell her no. This will only push away toxic women who don’t deserve to be in your life and make those who deserve you respect you more. When you can say no it shows that you respect yourself and this will naturally make her respect you.

        3. Becoming your own man is a masculine behavior in a relationship.

Being your own man is a masculine behavior in a relationship because even though you may be dating her you must have your own life outside of her. Your existence shouldn’t depend on her. You must still be able to function even if she is not around you. Women respect a man who has his own identity than a man who seeks a relationship to feel complete. 

The reason you must be your own man is that a woman doesn’t want a man that needs her. If you are a man and you can function while you are single, it will be easier to not be needy when you are in a relationship.

Being your own man means that just because you met this woman, your goals still haven’t changed. You haven’t thrown your purpose out of the window because you still make time for it. There is time for your relationship and there is also time for friends and family members.

When you are your own man, you understand that you don’t have to agree with her or everyone because you have your own thoughts and opinions. The thing is that it is better to be single than not being allowed to speak your mind. You shouldn’t reach a point where you walk on eggshells or only say the things she expects to hear.

Being your own man is a masculine behavior in a relationship because it allows you to be the man you are. if you cannot be yourself in a relationship then you are probably with the wrong woman.

      4. Earning more than her.

The thing is that when you make more money, you will be able to take charge, and taking charge is a masculine behavior in a relationship. How do you expect to take charge when you have no job and the woman is the one who is providing? When a woman is the breadwinner, she will assume the masculine role in a relationship.

The reason a man has to earn more is because society views men as providers. For a woman to respect you as a man, you have to play your role as a man. You must do all the things a man is supposed to do competently. If you can be a man in all areas of your life not just with finances she will feel very feminine in a relationship.

The thing about having money is not because you can afford a lot of things but the feeling you get from having it. We cannot compete with women with looks. the only thing that makes us feel like we are better than them is success. They were born naturally beautiful but when you are a man, you have to earn your success. Success is what gives the man the ability to keep the masculine frame in a relationship.

        5. Being protective shows masculine behavior in a relationship.

A man is supposed to have protective instincts to feel masculine in a relationship. You show masculine behavior in a relationship when you can protect a woman physically, financially, spiritually, and emotionally. As a man, you are supposed to be strong in all areas of your life.

Being protective shows that she can feel safe when she is around you. When she feels protected and at ease around you is because she knows that nothing will happen to her. The thing is, a woman is a follower of her man. She feels whatever you feel as a man. When you feel nervous or anxious, she will also feel the same when she is around you. To be able to show masculine behavior in a relationship, a woman has to feel at ease and safe when she is around you.

          6. Controlling his emotions.

You can show masculine behavior by being calm under pressure. Women naturally panic under pressure but as a man, you must be able to act cool. Controlling your emotions as a man will force any woman to respect you. The quickest way to make any woman lose respect for you is by arguing with her. As a man, you must be able to keep your emotions in check and do what needs to be done. When you cannot control your emotions as a man, you are acting like a woman.

Controlling your emotions is a sign of masculine behavior in a relationship because it shows emotional strength. When you are constantly complaining and mourning, you are showing an emotional weakness that turns every woman off.

When you are an emotional man, a woman will feel like she is with another woman. There would be no genuine attraction if a man is emotional in a relationship. As a man, you have to be logical to keep things sane because a woman cannot.

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