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Why should I not be afraid of rejection: 8 reasons to get over your fear of rejection.

not be afraid of rejection

Who wouldn’t be afraid of rejection because it hurts? It makes you feel unwanted or like you are the most ugly person in the world. We all get affected by rejection, but in this article, I’m going to tell you why you shouldn’t be afraid of it.

You shouldn’t be afraid of rejection because the only way you can succeed not just with women but in life in general is by taking risks. A man must be willing to take risks without being overly concerned about the outcome. Yes, a girl may say no when you ask her out, but there is also a possibility she might say yes.

Here are the reasons you should not be afraid of rejection:

    1. It’s not always about you.

The first reason you should not be afraid of rejection is that, it is not always a personal attack on your character. She may reject you because she is already talking to someone else or she has a boyfriend. A girl may also reject you because you are not her type.

The reason we allow rejection to hurt us is that, we make it about us when a girl might just be having a bad day.

When you make a rejection about yourself, you will feel as though she rejected you because you are ugly, not rich, or tall enough. All of these thoughts will hurt your self-esteem as a man.

As a man, you must look in the mirror and change your thought patterns. It is essential see yourself as someone worthy of love. You are a cool guy and you must understand that any girl who has rejected you is her loss. You must also be glad that she rejected you because you might be dodging a bullet.

        2. You must not be afraid of rejection because it makes you feel like a man.

What’s the best way to feel like a man than to do things that terrify you or other men? To feel like a man, you must leave your comfort zone and face your fears.

You should not be afraid of rejection because it provides you with an opportunity to become a man. When you are rejected, you will soon realize that you are focusing on the wrong things.

When you are rejected, you must use that energy and anger to become a better man who will never get rejected in the future. The thing is, to become a man, you must learn to handle rejection because you can never become a man by avoiding it.

You have to go through countless rejections as a man to realize that there is something that needs to be improved to become a better man. Rejection must be the fuel to want to level up instead of seeing it as the end of the world.

     3. you get to be certain.

The thing is, you will never know whether a woman is into you unless you go up to her because she would never go up to you. You should not be afraid of rejection because the only way you can know if she likes you or not is if you are direct.

As a man, you don’t want to be playing guessing games. You want to be sure and the only way you can be certain is by not fearing rejection.

The thing is as a man, you must not wait for a woman to make it obvious that she likes you. As a man, you must not wait for any choosing signals before you can approach a woman.

       4. The reason you should not be afraid of rejection is that you will get more girls.

You should not be afraid of rejection because the more girls you talk to, the more you will be good with women. With anything in life, you get good with it the more you do it. The more you talk to girls and experience rejection, the more you will see what works and what doesn’t.

When you are not afraid of rejection as a man, you will have an abundance of women. You will realize that there are way too many women on the planet to cry over one woman.

      5. girls will respect you more.

The thing about girls is that they respect a confident man who is not afraid to go after what he wants. She will respect the fact that you were bold enough to be direct with her instead of pretending to be her friend. Although she may say no to going out on a date with you, she will respect you more for your honesty.

A man should not be afraid of rejection because it changes how a woman views you. The thing is that a girl has intuition, and she can sense when you like her, so if you are afraid to ask her out, she will not respect you as a man. The man she respects is the one who can speak up for himself.

To gain respect as a man, you must be able to do things that scare other men. You must be comfortable with being uncomfortable if you want people to treat you differently than the average man.

    6. You should not be afraid of rejection because it happens to everyone.

A man should not be afraid of rejection because he won’t be the first and he also won’t be the last to experience it. It is inevitable for a man to get rejected unless he is not even trying. Rejection is necessary for growth. You don’t become a man unless you have been rejected numerous times.

The thing is, no matter how handsome a man is, he will get more “Ls” than “Ws”. Out of all the girls, a man approaches, he will only get a few and be rejected by most. If the fact that everyone experiences rejection doesn’t make you feel better I don’t know what else will.

      7. you are not for everyone.

Yes, it is true. Not everybody is everybody’s cup of tea. As a man, you must be mature enough to understand and accept the fact that everybody is not going to like you. It doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you, you are just not what they are looking for in a relationship. The thing that must make you feel better about yourself as a man is that to some women, you are what they are looking for.

You should not be afraid of rejection because everyone has a type. You may like a girl but if you are not her type then it’s the way it is. The worst thing you can do is to change yourself to become her type. The thing is that as a man you shouldn’t change yourself because you are worthy of being liked or accepted for who you are. The only thing you can do is to improve yourself to become a better man as opposed to changing yourself to make a girl like you.

      8. A man must not be afraid of rejection because his self-worth must come from within.

The last reason a man should not be afraid of rejection is that other people shouldn’t define his worth. Just because a woman said no doesn’t mean you are not good enough. What matters is what you see in the mirror rather than what others see.

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