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How to get a girl interested in you: 7 ways to get a girl be attracted to you.

girl interested in you

To get a get interested in you, you must genuinely believe that you are a man who is worthy of her. If you send a message that you believe she is better than you, there is no way she can be interested in you.

It is essential to note before we even get further with this article that not every girl will be interested in you, and there is nothing you can do to change her mind if you are not her type.

You may be reading this article because you are not getting girls, so you are trying to figure out things you can do to increase your options with women.

The best advice you can get is that, as a man, you shouldn’t focus on getting a girlfriend. You must work on becoming the better version of yourself, hoping some girl will find you attractive, and then a relationship will flourish.

Here is how to get a girl interested in you:

    1. Act like a man.

The first thing you can do to make a girl interested in you is to be a masculine man. For a girl to feel a romantic attraction towards you, she has to feel like she is with a man instead of feeling like she is with another girl.

Women have no respect for men who act like them. To get a girl interested in you, you must stop being a gay friend, meaning you must not hang out with women. As a man, you shouldn’t have the same interests as women. A man who prefers or is more comfortable with hanging out with women than men is not masculine.

To get a girl interested in you, you must possess the qualities masculine men possess. If you are not masculine, she will only see you as a friend.

To act like a man, you must say what you want to say and do what you want to do without being overly concerned about pleasing others.

A woman cannot be interested in a man who acts like her just like a man cannot be attracted to a masculine woman.

       2. To get a girl interested in you, you must take care of yourself.

Taking care of yourself means caring about your appearance and also prioritizing your needs. How can you get a girl interested in you if you appear like you don’t love yourself?

You can take care of yourself by regularly getting a haircut, shaving your beard, and taking a shower every day. As a man, you must practice self-love and not wait for any woman to love you to love yourself.

The thing is that, as a man, you must be independent before you even think about getting into the relationship. You must love yourself despite being single.

      3. Invest in your wardrobe.

The other way you can get a girl interested in you is by being a man of style. For the sake of your dignity, you must wear clothes that make you a respectable man.

The thing is that it doesn’t matter how good-looking you are, but if you wear your worn-out jeans, they will all be frowning upon you. Investing in your wardrobe doesn’t mean you must break the bank, but you must wear clothes that suit and fit your body shape.

What I have noticed is that, whenever I go out with a high-quality sneaker, I always inspire jealousy in some people but also treat me with respect at the same time. The thing is that what you wear will have a huge impact on your self-confidence. When you love what you are doing, you will walk and interact with others differently.

        4. Being physically fit will get a girl interested in you.

There is no other better way for a man to increase his confidence than going to the gym and lifting heavy weights. Not only will lifting weights make you look and feel good, but you will also increase your testosterone levels allowing you to act more manly.

Although getting a girl to like you shouldn’t be the only reason to go to the gym it should be one of them because no girl is interested in a lazy man. She will also not be interested in you if your belly hides your penis.

To get a girl interested in you, you must show that you are not a loser who watches TV the whole day and does nothing meaningful with his life. The thing is, when we see someone go to the gym, we automatically respect them because it takes a man to make himself uncomfortable to get the results he wants.

        5. Being direct.

You will regret it if you wait too long as other men will take her from you. Being direct means you don’t give her mixed signals. To get a girl interested in you, you must have the confidence to go after what you want. Although she might say no she will view you as a masculine man instead of a timid guy.

The thing you must know is that girls view timid guys as weak. To get a girl interested in you, she must know what you want from her is a romantic relationship instead of a friendship. If you think you will be friends with her and then hope that one day she will see you as a good guy for her then you have a wrong approach.

        6. To get a girl interested in you, you must avoid appearing desperate.

Even if you are desperate to get a girlfriend you must never show it to her. The way to show you are not desperate is by not begging or convincing her to like you. The best thing you can do when you sense that a girl doesn’t like you is to move on.

To get a girl interested in you, you must appear as a guy who has options with women even if you don’t.

          7. Get busy.

You can get a girl interested in you by having things going on in your life. When you are a busy man, you will not be the type of man who is always available. Women are attracted to a man who has a life outside of them because this gives them a chance to miss you.