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How can a man value a woman: 7 ways a man can show that he values a woman.

value a woman

A man can value a woman by making her feel like she is the only lady breathing under the sky. You can value the woman you love by making her feel special.

It is essential to note before we even get further with this article that not every woman is to be valued. Not every woman is worthy of respect.

In this article, we are going to refer to high-value women who believe that they are worthy of dating a high-value man.

Here is how a man can value a woman:

    1. By supporting her career.

A man can value a woman by supporting her school work if she is in school and her career if she is in the corporate world.

Here we are not talking about the random girls you meet at the club, but we are referring to girls who don’t want to depend on a man for survival.

The thing is, for a relationship to be healthy, one must not use the other for money. Although some men may be intimidated by the success of a woman, a high-value man is not. He understands that her success doesn’t affect his masculinity because he also has personal goals.

It is only natural for men to feel as though when a woman becomes successful, she will not be submissive enough. Although there is a truth to it but when you are confident and can maintain a masculine frame, she will respect you as a man.

      2. you can value a woman by remembering her name.

The other way a man can value a woman is by remembering her name. In his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” Dale Carnegie said, “A person’s name is to that person, the sweetest, most important sound in any language.” This also applies to women. By remembering her name, it shows that you see her as a special individual.

The thing is, it is difficult to remember people’s names, so if you can get it the first time, she will be more flattered than someone who keeps on forgetting it.

Even as a man, there is something that makes you feel special or good about yourself when someone of any gender or age remembers your name.

       3. By remembering her birthday.

What’s the most flattering way to show that you value a woman than remembering the day she was born? The day a person was born is an important day to that person. Remembering her day of birth, immediately shows that you care about her. Whenever someone wishes you a happy birthday, you would believe that they see you as an individual worth remembering.

A man can value a woman by giving her a birthday gift and it doesn’t have to be expensive. It could be anything that shows that you took some time to think about her.

        4. A man can value a woman by not cheating on her.

The other way a man can value a woman is by being faithful to her. The thing is, it is simple for a woman to catch a man cheating. When you cheat on a woman, it shows you don’t love and respect her.

When you love someone, you would never take the risk of breaking her heart. The thing you must know about women is that, once you cheat on her, she will also cheat on you, and guess what, it is effortless for her to cheat. Women have more options when it comes to dating than men.

       5. By praising her.

A man can value a woman by praising instead of criticizing her. Being critical is the best way to make people resent you. The thing is, when you criticize someone, you are breaking their self-esteem, and that just shows you don’t value them. Criticism does more damage to a person’s self-esteem, especially if it comes from the people who are supposed to love you unconditionally.

By praising her, it shows that you value her but it is important to note that, you are only valuing her if the praise is genuine. Flattery will make her feel worse but a genuine compliment will raise her self-esteem in a way you never realized was possible.

 A man can value a woman by making her feel like she is the most beautiful woman, and there is no better way to do that than by giving a genuine compliment. Women do love men who playfully tease them but never take it to an extreme because some women are sensitive.

       6. You can value a woman by loving her in words and deeds.

The thing is, to tell a woman that you love her, she has to earn it. You can show it to her through your actions. You don’t have to keep on reminding her that you love her every hour. The only way you can tell her that you love her is when she forces it out of your mouth.

A man can value a woman by making her feel loved and appreciated for just being herself. The thing is, if a woman can see that you love her through your actions, you will be able to win her heart.

        7. By valuing her time.

You can value a woman by respecting her time just like you want her to respect yours. The reason I say this is because I always get furious when someone wastes my time. Time is the most valuable asset because once gone, you can never get it back.

You can show a woman that you value her by being on time whenever you are about to meet. The thing is, you must not do to others what you wouldn’t like to be done to you. If you respect her time, she will have no choice but to respect yours.

        8. A man can value a woman by seeing her as more than just a sex object.

The other way a man can value a woman is by understanding that she is a human being with feelings and opinions. You must understand that there is more to her than what’s between her legs.

The thing is, you cannot value a woman if your only mission is to take her to bed. For a man to value a woman, he must like her personality instead of being only obsessed with her body. You must try to get into her mind just like you want to get into her pants.