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How do high-value men attract women? 8 ways to be high-value and attract women.

high-value men attract women

High-value men attract women by standing out from the crowd or the average man. Not only with the way he dresses, but his character shines.

Being high-value means that you think very highly of yourself, and you genuinely believe that you are important.

To be a high-value man, you must be a man who respects himself. And because high-value men are not desperate and don’t throw themselves at any woman they see, this automatically makes women respect them and seek their attention and validation. When you are no longer the guy who searches for a woman’s validation, women will be the ones who search for it from you.

Here is how high-value men attract women:


    1. By being direct.

High-value men attract women by being upfront instead of pretending to be their friend before getting into their pants.

Being direct with women, ultimately shows that you are a man and you are confident. You cannot call yourself a man if you allow the fear of rejection to stop you from getting what you want.

You must know that when you are direct with women, you are saving yourself from heartbreak. If you are not honest with your intentions, another guy could be and take her away from you.

By being direct, you are saving yourself time as you will be able to move on quickly. Imagine having to wait for three months before you can tell her you want to take her out only to find out she says no. The time you have wasted by giving her too much attention, you will never get it back.

As a man, you shouldn’t waste your time playing women’s mind games because that’s the time you should be using on something else.

          2. High-value men attract women  with their calm confidence.

Calm confidence means that you have emotional masculinity and can control your emotions when you have to. High-value men are always calm and collected yet very confident.

When you have calm confidence as a man, it shows that you are in control and are not letting life’s challenges faze you.

High-value men attract women with their ability to make them feel at ease with just their presence. When you are calm and confident, you will become nonjudgmental, and not just women but people in general can be themselves when they are not judged.

         3. With their masculine drive.

High-value men attract women with their ambitious nature. The thing is that, by being ambitious, you automatically show a girl that you won’t be a needy boyfriend. You will be chasing your goals instead of spending your time begging her not to leave you.

Being driven is a sign of raw masculinity. The thing is, for a man to matter or be respected by society, he must have some kind of achievement. Men have built cities and made millions of dollars just to matter.

Even though you may not be successful yet, but by possessing a natural drive, high-value women will be able to sense it, and this will make them fall hard for you.

The thing is, when you are laser-focused and constantly work hard to achieve your goals, you will be more attractive to most women as they will see you as a guy who is not easy to get. When you have masculine drive, you will be a challenge to women as you will not be giving them all of your attention.

                4. High-value men attract women by being mysterious.

High-value men attract women by making them wonder what is it that he does when he is alone. Why is he the way he is instead of behaving like other men? When women start asking themselves these questions it’s because you are living in their minds.They just cannot figure you out no matter how much they try to.

The thing about women is that, they view a man who is easy to read as boring. High-value men attract women by keeping them on their toes and leaving them in wonder.

A high-value man doesn’t always sell himself to women. he understands that convincing women about who he is doesn’t work. The more he talks about himself, the easier it will be to figure him out. Instead of talking about himself, all he does is ask questions and let the woman talk about herself.

         5. By their authenticity.

High-value men attract women by their raw personalities. Having authentic confidence means you don’t try to be someone you are not because you love yourself.

When you have authentic confidence, you will be able to lead instead of being an indecisive and confused man.

The thing is that no one wants to hang out with a phony person. Women feel safe when they are with an authentic man because she knows she will be safe with him.

Although some may say you must fake it till you make it, but women can tell when you try to be someone you are not, and it is a turn-off for them.

           6. High-value men attract women by dressing impeccably.

The thing is that most men still dress like teenagers, so by dressing like a man, it will become easier to stand out.

High-value men attract women by caring about their appearance. The thing is that you shouldn’t only dress for women but for your dignity too. What I have noticed is that people treat me differently when I dress a certain way.

How you dress instantly tells others whether you are worthy of respect even though you might be a terrible person inside.

Dressing well is the best way to boost your confidence. Your clothes will not only be what attracts women but the confidence you will display when you are well dressed.

        7. They know what they want.

Knowing what you want means you know who you are. You know what you are good at and you also know the places that need improvement.

High-value men attract women by having a purpose. A man who knows what he wants is attractive to women because he is rare to find.

It has always been a manly thing to do when a man prioritizes his purpose over anything else. She may try to detach you from your purpose, but a high-value man doesn’t do what women want but what he wants. When you detach yourself from your purpose and start following her, she will get bored with you. 

         8. High-value men attract women by being independent.

Being independent means you want people, but you don’t need them. This will work to your advantage because no one wants to feel needed.

A woman doesn’t want to focus only on you because she also has her own life and problems. A needy person wants everything to be about them and forget that you also have your own life. When a woman knows she is wanted instead of being needed, she can relax because she doesn’t want to feel like your mother.