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What do high-value women want in men: 8 things high-value women look for in men.

high-value women want in men

Knowing what high-value women want in men will help you take the steps necessary to become high yourself. Although attracting high-value women shouldn’t be your primary reason for wanting to improve nature calls us to reproduce. So it is an instinct to want to be attractive to the opposite sex.

What high-value women want in men is a high-value man. To attract high-value women, you will need to work on yourself. Yes, you heard that right, you don’t need to be born high-value because you can implement certain habits in your life that will make you a high-value man over time.

Here is what high-value women want in men:


    1. A man with a good job.

The first thing high-value women want in men is a man with a high-paying job. This is not to say she wants your money because a high-value woman also does her own thing. She wants a man who is at least at her level or above. Having a good job also shows that you are not a loser because no woman wants to feel as though she is better than her man.

For a woman to be in her feminine role, she needs a strong man who can take charge, and you will not have the confidence to do that when she earns more than you.

      2. A man with a purpose is another thing high-value women want in men.

The other thing high-value women want in men is a man who has a purpose. Something is alluring about the man when women have no idea what he does after work. Your purpose is not your 9 to 5 but something that might free you from it one day. 

The thing is, although your current job might be high paying but, as men, we seek meaning. You may be earning millions a year, but if you do not feel your soul, your life will be empty.

As men, we want to have the freedom to live on our terms and be in control of our lives, and there is no way you can do that when you are working a job.

High-value women want a man who has greater self-awareness. To find your purpose means finding your talent. When you are serious about your purpose, you will tell if a woman is of high value by whether she supports your purpose or not. A high-value woman would be your number-one fan or your cheerleader.

       3. A well-groomed man.

A man who appears to be neat and takes a shower every day is what high-value women want in men. The thing is, a woman wants to feel proud to point out her man when he walks down the street. She wants to be able to brag about you to her friend, and for her to do that without shame or hesitation, you will need to be a high-value man who knows how to groom himself.

The thing high-value women want in men is a man who can take care of himself. To attract high-value women, you have to care about how you present yourself to the world. If you look scruffy like you never took a shower in a week with your wrinkled clothes, your confidence to talk to a girl will decline.

The truth is that how clean you are will determine whether high-value women take you seriously or not.

       4. The other thing high-value women want in men is a man with self-respect.

A low-value woman with low self-esteem is intimidated by a man who respects himself. If you are a guy with dignity, you will attract women who respect themselves.

The thing about high-value women is that, they want a man they can respect and for her to respect you, you must respect yourself. When you start to respect yourself as a man, you will attract the kind of women who value that in a man.

Having self-respect as a man means that you genuinely love yourself. When you love yourself, you will not engage in any habits that lower your dignity. You will not continue to chase a woman who gives off a stinky attitude and doesn’t treat you the way you think you deserve to be treated. 

The other reason a man who respects himself is attractive is that he won’t chase a woman who rejects him. He is quick to move on after rejection because he understands that if he persists, a woman might lose respect for him as he might appear desperate.

         5. A man who prioritizes fitness.

The thing high-value women want in men is not necessarily big muscles but the man who takes care of his body and health by exercising regularly. To tell if a woman is a low value is when she prioritizes clubs and getting drunk as opposed to gym.

A high-value woman is not the lazy type who watches TV the whole day. He actually has things going on in her life. Out of all those things, he understands that fitness is not to be taken lightly. 

When you go to the gym regularly, you will be more likely to attract high-value women who have the same mentality as you.

       6. Raw confidence is something high-value women want in men.

High-value women want a man with authentic confidence because, without it, you won’t even have the balls to approach her. Authentic confidence cannot be faked because if you fake it, you will put women on the edge but if it’s real, they will be at ease when they are around you.

The reason genuine confidence is what high-value women want in men is because it allows you to go up to her believing you are worthy of her attention. Low-value men, on the other hand, are intimidated by high-value women because they see themselves as less than.

Authentic confidence instantly signals that you are glad that you are yourself and you are comfortable in your skin, and that is enough to make you feel comfortable when she is around you. When you are comfortable with yourself, you will be able to make people feel comfortable when they are around you.

The thing high-value women want in men is the feeling they get when they are around him. When you are unapologetically yourself, you are also giving her permission to be herself. Being with a nonjudgmental man is what high-value women want in men.

         7. a well-read man.

A high-value woman is an educated woman. That doesn’t mean she went to college, but you can tell by the way she speaks that she is well-read. To attract a quality woman, you will also need to be educated yourself.

The thing is, you don’t even need to tell a woman that you are intelligent. When a high-value man speaks, everyone knows he is because of his ability to command respect with words.

What you must understand is that high-value women are different from the regular women you meet at the clubs. A high-value woman wants a man with whom she can hold an interesting conversation. The thing about women is that she doesn’t want to feel as though she is better than you. If she feels like she is better than you, the chances of developing a relationship with her are slimmer.

       8. Being a gentleman is what high-value women want in men.

Women with low self-esteem want a bad guy who treats her poorly because she believes that she is not worthy of a gentleman who treats her like a lady.

It is important to note though that there is a difference between a gentleman and a nice guy. A gentleman is everything that a nice guy is not. A gentleman is polite yet assertive while a nice guy is more of a passive pushover. A nice guy does everything for a woman while she does nothing for him. When you are a gentleman, you will understand that, for a relationship to work, there has to be reciprocity.

What high-value women want in men is not a nice guy but a gentleman who will automatically make her feel like a lady whenever she is in his presence.