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What does space do for a man: 7 reasons men needs space.

space do for a man

Knowing what does space do for a man will allow you to talk to your partner because there are benefits to it. The thing is, taking space will not only benefit you as a man but you will both benefit from it.

Although some women may think you have found someone else for needing space but, the thing is, as men, we cannot be with a woman 24/7. Just because I said I need space doesn’t mean I have found someone else. There is more to life than chasing or changing girls.

We all need space not just from romantic relationships but with friends, family members, and even at work.

There is this colleague of mine. We worked together the whole day. After work, we walk together at home, and he still wants to hang out with me the whole day on my days off. All of this is too much because I need space to focus on myself. After all, I cannot spend my life listening to someone else’s problems.

Here is what does space do for a man:


    1. Allows him to regain his testosterone.

Allowing him to regain his masculinity is what does space do for a man. Testosterone is the hormone that makes you look and feel like a man. For a man to regain his testosterone, he will need some space for himself.

From my years of living I have noticed that whenever a man is in love, he becomes weak. He no longer becomes assertive or sets clear boundaries. When a man can no longer assert himself, it means he is becoming weak.

Women make men weak, in other word, they soften them. For a man to regain his testosterone, he will need to take space from women, and when he comes back, he will become more powerful.

If you ever noticed that after having sex, you feel tired and sleepy and this is also true for those who masturbate. The other thing you need to notice within yourself is that, whenever you never had sex in a long time, you will feel more strong, more powerful, and more creative. The reason is that your testosterone levels naturally increase.

         2. Allowing him to focus on his purpose is what does space do for a man.

Having more time to focus on your purpose is what does space do for a man. The thing about women is that, they can be a distraction. I have been in a relationship and I also have been single. I have noticed that whenever I was dating someone I slipped from my work but I am more of a hard worker when I’m single.

Although you may be in a relationship and still maintain your purpose but you would never give it full attention as you would if you were single. Taking up space gives you time and energy to focus on yourself.

The thing is, as a man, women shouldn’t be your main purpose. You must have something that gives your life meaning besides her. It is easy to lose control of your life when your heart gets broken if you don’t have a purpose.

         3. Can spend time with his friends and family.

 The other thing you must know about what does space do for a man is that he gets to spend time with his loved ones. Just because you are in a relationship doesn’t mean other people shouldn’t matter. The thing is that your friends and family members should matter just like your girlfriend.

The thing is, when you take space to see other people in your life it shows that you are not needy which is the turn-on for most women, and you will also not be that guy who is always available. You shouldn’t be around a woman 24/7 because that’s not what she wants regardless of what she might tell you. She must also see other people who matter in her life and you must also see those who matter to yours.

         4. Giving you the ability to love yourself is what does space do for a man.

Allowing you to be yourself and connecting with the man looking back at you in the mirror is what does space do for a man. The thing is that it feels wrong to love a woman more than you love yourself.

When we are in a relationship, we tend to be complacent and put self-improvement aside, and not love ourselves as we would if we were single.

As a man, you shouldn’t wait for someone else to love you to love yourself. You must learn to love yourself without having a girlfriend. It is impossible to fully love someone else when you are not happy while you are single. The thing is, if you love yourself while you are single, you will have something to give her, but if you don’t, you will be searching from her the love you never got from your mother.

       5. Comfortable with being alone.

Being at peace while you are alone is what does space do for a man. You must find happiness from within and not from your girlfriend. If you are miserable being alone, you have nothing to offer to a woman, and you will also be searching for what you cannot find from her.

Taking up some time for yourself will help you deal with loneliness. Loneliness is something you just have to deal with by yourself because no friend or girlfriend can cure it. If you entered the relationship because you felt lonely and unhappy then you entered for all the wrong reasons. Being lonely and unhappy will be what you bring to the table.

Being lonely and depressed will be detrimental to your relationships because when you feel that way, your girlfriend will also feel the same. Not just women but humans in general want to be around those who make them happy.

        6. Getting to miss her is what does space do for a man.

Being around a woman 24/7 can be suffocating. When you take up some space there will be a lot of excitement when you get to see her again. If she is always around you, you will quickly get bored with her.

Giving her space will also allow her to miss you too. How do you expect her to think about you when you are always available?

Getting to miss a girl is what does space do for a man because when you take some time for yourself, you will be able to think about all the good times you had.

Although conflict happens in every relationship if you don’t give each other space, you will be more likely to argue and play fight.

      7. Regain your identity.

Your identity is having a sense of “I amness.” your identity is your individuality. Most people when they are in a relationship, tend to lose who they are, and to regain your identity, you will need to take up some space.

Regaining your identity is what does space do for a man because it teaches you that, your partner shouldn’t describe who you are. The thing is, even if you are in a relationship with a woman, you must still be an individual.