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What is sexually attractive in a man? 6 things that make a man sexually attractive

sexually attractive in a man

Being strong in all areas of your life is sexually attractive in a man because men represent strength. If you want to be sexually attractive to women, you must be physically, mentally, and emotionally stronger than her.

Women are attracted to the strength of men. The thing that is sexually attractive in a man are the masculine traits. You have to be a masculine man to make women desire you sexually because if you are not, you will stuck in the friendzone.

The thing about being a man is that you have to make yourself sexually attractive because you cannot be born that way. You are fortunate if you are already tall but you also need to workout and take other self-improvement habits seriously. There is nothing sexually attractive in a man who is not trying to improve himself day by day.

Here is what is sexually attractive in a man:

    1. Having charisma.

This is a trait that only a few men possess. Most men try too hard to get attention by wearing designer clothes and expensive jewelry. You may get the attention, but all of that is superficial and shallow because when you are an insecure guy, your clothes or jewelry will not change anything.

A guy with a natural charisma can command attention regardless of what he is wearing. There is something intangible about him that others cannot resist.

Having charisma is sexually attractive in a man because it allows you to seduce women easily. It is actually what makes them interested in talking to you. When you have charisma, you will be able to hold a conversation with any woman as you will be the most charming guy in the room.

The thing about the charismatic guy is that, when he speaks, he has a natural charm that makes others find it hard not to listen.

          2. Being calm yet self-assured is sexually attractive in a man.

The other thing that is sexually attractive in a man is when he possesses calm confidence. Being calm and confident shows that you have everything under control and don’t panic under pressure. When you are a man like that, you will be able to make women feel at ease when they are around you. When you are a calm dude who seems to have his stuff together, women will feel at ease and feminine in your presence.

The thing that is sexually attractive in a man is quiet confidence. A man with quiet confidence doesn’t need to sell himself to women because he has nothing to prove to anyone. When you are truly confident, you don’t have to keep on mentioning your accomplishments or how great you are because you don’t need anyone’s approval.

           2. having swag.

Having swag means you walk confidently or arrogantly. The thing is, it makes you a man to walk with pride rather than walking like an insecure teenage boy. For a man to feel manly, it is better to be known as an arrogant guy than a timid one.

A guy with swag always dresses better than the other guys. It’s not because his clothes are expensive but the way they fit him and he also knows how to put an outfit together. 

The other thing about the guy with a swagger is that he dresses the way he wants. He doesn’t conform to what is trending or what other people want him to wear and this makes him stand out.

Having swag means being yourself and comfortable in your style. Swag is sexually attractive in a man because it shows that you are proud of being yourself, which is a sign of true confidence. How you walk says a lot about what you think of yourself, and to attract women, you must walk with pride.

         3. A deep voice is sexually attractive in a man.

It’s not what you say that turns women on but how you say it. You must sound like a man when you speak to her instead of a little boy. It doesn’t matter what anyone tells you, having a manly voice will turn every woman on. 

The thing about having a deeper voice is that a woman will sound more feminine when she talks to you. When your voice is low and deep, her high-pitched voice will come out naturally. 

The thing is, women, don’t just act submissive or feminine with any man. For her to talk to you like a man, you have to sound like a man because if you don’t, she will treat you just like one of her friends.

The thing about having a deep voice is that it is authoritative, and what is more attractive to women than a man who possesses natural leadership qualities?

A deep voice is sexually attractive in a man because it allows a woman to instinctively view you as a man, and it also shows that you have high testosterone levels.

         4. His body language.

Confident body language is sexually attractive in a man. Women can tell whether you are a needy man by just the way you carry yourself. Your body language says a lot about whether you are a confident or an insecure man.

To be a sexually attractive guy, you must carry yourself with an upright posture and look at people in the eyes instead of their feet. An upright posture is a sign of confidence, and it is a turn-on for most women.

 As a man, you do not have to talk because your body language speaks volumes about how you view yourself. You cannot talk your way into confidence. You cannot tell people you are confident when you can’t even look them in the eyes when you are talking to them.

        5. Being happy with yourself is sexually attractive in a man.

Being happy with yourself means that you love and accept yourself the way you are, and that is sexually attractive in a man. When you are happy with yourself, you will no longer try to be someone you are not. You won’t change yourself to make women like you because you believe you are worthy of being loved for being yourself.

Women can tell when you are not being yourself, and it is a turn-off for them. As a man, you must be the way you are and not worry too much whether you are a turn-on to women. When you worry too much about how she wants you to act, you will end up being someone she wants you to be instead of being who you want to be.

When you can look in the mirror and be happy with what you see, it will show in how you walk and interact with others. It is essential to know that when you look in the mirror, you are not just looking at your body, but you are also looking at your soul.

        6. Workout.

Working out is sexually attractive in a man because it naturally builds sex appeal. When you have a good-looking physique, you will no longer need to wear designer clothes because a basic T-shirt will look good on you than an out-of-shape guy wearing an expensive T-shirt.

Having sex appeal means that, women feel aroused when they see you. What man on the planet wouldn’t want to be like that? The thing you must know about working out is that it increases the testosterone in your body. The more testosterone you have the more sexually attractive you will be to women.