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How to live as a man? 8 ways to be a man.

live as a man

To live as a man, you must possess masculine personality traits that are respected by other men and admired by women. The thing you must understand is that you can be born a man, but that doesn’t mean you will grow up and live as a man.

Sadly, some of us were raised in a single-mother household, and we never had a daddy to teach us how to be a man so we had to figure it out ourselves.

You may have a father around you, but if he also never learned how to live as a man or he also grew up fatherless, then he cannot teach you anything. To live as a man, you need a strong father figure to model for you how to live as a man.

Now just because you never had any father figure doesn’t mean you have to adopt feminine characteristics that your mother taught you because you can learn to be masculine by practicing certain habits regularly.

Here is how a man can live as a man:


    1. Workout regularly.

The first thing you can do to live as a man is to exercise regularly. Working out will help you build confidence not only because it will make you look better but when you go to the gym, you intentionally take yourself out of your comfort zone, and that is the main requirement if you seek growth.

When you have a strong physique, and you know it took discipline and a lot of hard work to do that, you will be proud of yourself.

The thing about exercise is that it improves your physical energy allowing you to complete everyday tasks with ease.

The best exercise I would recommend for any man is squats. The thing with squats is that, to be effective you have to practice them until you master the correct form. Form is everything with any kind of exercise because if you go heavy with an incorrect form, you might injure yourself and you will not see the results you desire.

The reason I recommend squats before you can move to any kind of exercise is that it is a full-body movement but it primarily targets your legs which are the biggest muscle groups in your body. When you strengthen the biggest muscles in your body, your testosterone levels will increase and once your T-levels are higher, you will develop masculine characteristics and as a result, you will live as a man.

   2. You can live as a man by taking care of your hygiene.

You live as a man when you start taking care of your personal appearance and how you present yourself to the world. The main thing that differentiates a boy from a man is that a boy doesn’t care about his appearance while a man understands that people will judge him based on how he looks.

The thing is that looking like you never took a shower in a week will harm your dignity and self-confidence.

As soon as you take care of your appearance or have a skincare routine, you will receive tons of compliments, and that is enough to boost your confidence as a man. When you know that you look good, it will become easier to look people in the eyes while conversing with them. Having that confidence is what will make you live as a man because when you can maintain eye contact it shows that no one can bully or push you around.

       3. Take risks to live as a man.

To live as a man, you must become comfortable with taking risks. Men are more inclined to take risk than women, this may be due to their higher levels of testosterone which increases a man’s desire to succeed.

If you want to live as a man, you must understand that if you want freedom, you have to take risks because if you play it safe in life, you might stay in that soul-sucking job you hate forever.

The reason why people don’t take risks is because of their fear of leaving their comfort zone. Taking risks will require you to exit your comfort zone and that’s all you need to live as a man. You must keep on trying new things until you find something that works.

The mindset of a person who prefers to play it safe is to save money so that by the end of the year they can buy some big screen TV, but to live as a man, you might want to start some side hustle or learn a trade.

        4. you must learn to be independent if you want to live as a man.

If you are living with your parents or siblings, and they enjoy living with you and you also enjoy living with them, then no one has the right to separate you from the people you love. It doesn’t matter what age you are, but if you are living with peace and happiness at home, then there is no reason to leave.

It is instinctual that when you reach a certain age, you must divorce your parents and learn to stand without a helping hand. The thing is when you pay your bills, and you also don’t depend on anyone to give you emotional support, then you have started to live as a man.

Also read: How to be an independent man.

        5. Become a man of purpose.

To live as a man, you must have a “why” because without having a purpose, life becomes mundane, and you will not see any reason why it’s worth living. Having a purpose means that you have goals, and there is always something you are working on or trying to accomplish.

When you have a purpose as a man, you will not relate to men who cure their boredom by watching porn.

Living with purpose means that you have a reason for breathing and you are using the talents God gave you instead of letting them go to waste.

Your purpose must be something that gives a reason to get up every morning because without finding that reason, a man will become depressed.

     6. To live as a man, you must learn sexual discipline.

You become a man by learning to control your sexual urges. Most men don’t understand that overindulging in sex may hurt their brains. To live as a man, you must understand that your sexual energy has its capabilities other than physical pleasure.

When you can control your sexual urges, your creativity will skyrocket. If you can master sex discipline, you will be able to transfer that energy into something much more profitable than dissipating it on meaningless pleasure.

       7. Become an individual.

The other way you can live as a man is by becoming an individual. It’s ok to have friends or people you talk to because human beings are social beings, but at the end of the day, you are an individual with your thoughts and beliefs, and you should never sacrifice that to fit in.

The thing is, people join cliques and groups because they believe that they have to belong somewhere to matter. Becoming an individual takes confidence because you will face a lot of criticism along the way.

The thing is that men are known to be leaders, and to become an effective leader, you first need to be an individual as this will give you space to get to know yourself.

        8. To live as a man, you must become a hard worker.

Being a hard worker means that you put more hours into something and you are doing everything you can to make it work. If you are a man, you must not wait for a handout. You must understand that for everything you want in this world, you must work for it.