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How to learn masculinity? 9 ways to learn manhood.

learn masculinity

To learn masculinity, you must engage in practices or behaviors that are traditionally considered masculine by society like assertiveness, bravery, and leadership. Masculinity is the term that we use to describe masculine men. It is important to note that being muscular and masculine are not the same things. Although you can be masculine and muscular simultaneously simply having big muscles doesn’t mean you are a masculine man because there is more to masculinity than being a bodybuilder and in this article, you are going to learn about it. Here is how to learn masculinity:

    1. Learn through mentorship.

You can learn masculinity by observing around you how a man must behave. But what about those who never had a father figure? Does this mean they will live their lives without embracing their masculinity? The answer is no. Although every man, regardless of his age, needs a father at some point, but just because your dad is not in your life, which may be something you have no control over, doesn’t mean you cannot be a masculine man because you can learn masculinity.

The best way to learn masculinity besides having a strong father figure is through following positive role models. If you have a masculine man you look up to, you must read their work, and in that way, you will consume their thoughts and they will have an influence on you.

         2. You can learn masculinity by looking in the mirror.

Most people try to find solutions to your problems by searching on Google, but they can find all the answers they need from within.

You learn masculinity by finding out who you are as a man, and the best way to do that is to be deeply introspective. Looking from within will help you find all the answers you need to succeed in this world.

When you find your soul, it means you have reached the highest level of self-awareness, and as a result, you will know what your strengths and weaknesses are and rely on your strengths. When you don’t know what your strengths are like the majority of the population, how could you use them to your advantage?

By being true to yourself, you will be able to find out what you are good at and give it everything inside you. We all have God-given gifts and, unfortunately, most people die without even knowing what their gifts are. When you feel like you did what God created you to do, there is no way you can die with regret.

        3. Practice being courageous.

The other way you can learn masculinity is by practicing taking risks because it is impossible to be a masculine man if you play it safe in life. You have to try something new, make mistakes, and even fail to learn masculinity.

The act of looking at yourself in the mirror and being introspective takes courage because you find things you don’t want to find about yourself. Being courageous will allow you to get out of your comfort zone and stretch yourself to reach your potential.

Being a man is about doing things you fear to do because this is the only way a man can grow. He may fail at his business, but he will learn. It doesn’t matter if you fail or succeed, but the most important thing is the knowledge you get throughout the process.

      4. people learn masculinity by being self-reliant.

You can never learn anything about masculinity until you find out what it’s like to pay your own rent. To learn masculinity, you have to know what it feels like to be three months behind with your rent and eviction notices piling up at your door. You will learn masculinity when you know what it feels like when the landlord evicts you.

When you are being self-reliant, you will start to live responsibly since you will know that no one is going to pay your bills for you. Being self-reliant means that you have the freedom to live on your terms and you will also stop relying on others for emotional support.

          5. Hanging out with older men.

The thing is that, when you hang out with older men, you will learn a lot from them since they have more life experience than you do. When you hang out with older men, you will be able to maintain a masculine frame and live according to how a man is supposed to live. The thing is, who you spend most of your time with will have an impact on how you talk or your overall behavior as a man.

There is a truth to the saying that the older you get the more wiser you will be. The reason why older people tend to have more wisdom is because of the challenges they were able to overcome.

The biggest mistake you can make if you want to learn life advice is listening to someone younger than you. A younger person hasn’t lived long enough to know anything about life.

       6. Being at peace alone is another way to learn masculinity.

It is impossible to get bored when you know that you are never alone because you have yourself. People suffer loneliness and boredom because they don’t take the time necessary to develop a relationship with themselves. You can never learn masculinity if you always need to be around other people to survive.

Being fulfilled even when you are alone means that you have found something useful to do with your time, which prevents you from experiencing boredom.

You learn masculinity by being able to take some time out of the day to be by yourself. The biggest mistake that most men make is getting into serious relationships to cure their loneliness. having that attitude will result in having needy tendencies, and the other thing is that when you need someone, it means you have nothing to offer them.

        7. Being ambitious.

You can learn masculinity by understanding that greed and ambition are two different things. Just because you want more out of life doesn’t mean you are greedy. Being ambitious is what gives us high self-esteem because our dreams give us hope. If you lack ambition it means that you are ok with living an average life, and that’s not what a man must want. As a man, you must have a burning desire to achieve more out of life. A man who lacks ambition is like a dead man walking because he is hopeless.

Being ambitious shows that you have a vision for your future and are willing to take the necessary steps to reach your goals.

         8. You can learn masculinity through positive habits.

Another way in which a man can learn masculinity is by engaging in positive habits. Human beings are creatures of habits and that means we are in control of who we want to be. Your habits will determine who you will be in life because they can either have a positive or a negative outcome.

Everything starts with the mindset. By engaging in positive habits such as meditation, working out, and reading, you will drastically change your state of mind within a few weeks.

If you overindulge in habits such as smoking, drinking, and sexual immorality, you will lose all the energy you had in you because overindulging in these habits will hurt your state of mind.

Your habits will change the way think, and being a masculine man is about the way you think, not how big your biceps are.

        9. Being selfish with your time.

The last way to learn masculinity is by making your goals a priority. You shouldn’t try to meet the needs of others at your own expense. You must learn to prioritize yourself and your goals if you want to earn the respect of those in your social cycle.

Learning to politely say no to an invitation will allow you to earn the respect of others because it is a sign of self-respect.