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What is most important for a man: 13 things that are more important in a man’s life

important for a man

Now, what is essential for me might not be important for you, but there are certain things that, as men, we must have in common. Knowing what is important for a man will help you focus on the right things to make you a better man.

It is important for a man to be disciplined, have principles, be independent, and also possess authentic confidence. Having these traits will allow any man to live a legendary life.

When I was in my early 20s, I didn’t want to get into any relationship, and I also didn’t drink alcohol or smoke. While my peers were partying, I didn’t; I focused on self-improvement.

People rebuked me for not conforming to what was expected of me. To them, it was the most important thing to do, but for me, it was to work hard to escape poverty.

In this article, I will talk about the most important thing for a man rather than what society wants you to believe is most important. Your dad might not have taught you the things I will mention below, but I’m here to make you a better man.

Here are the things that are most important for a man:


    1. Living by principles is important for a man.

What’s more important for a man than setting rules for yourself and living by them? Although some people may not approve of how you live, as long as you are not doing anything illegal or violating the rights of others, you don’t owe anyone any apology.

What you need to understand about real men is that they live outside the system. Living inside the system or working for somebody else your whole life is for people with a slavery mindset.

If you are a man who chooses a high-paying job, wife, or girlfriend over your principles, then you cannot consider yourself a real man. When you do that, you are not different from someone who has sold his soul.

Also read: six fundamental principles of being a man.

        2. Being educated is important for a man.

The second thing that is most important for a man is being highly educated.

I am highly educated, even though I never went to college. What I did in my younger days was read plenty of books, watch many tutorials, and buy a bunch of online courses.

You don’t need to go to college to become an intelligent or educated man because most leaders or successful people swear by self-education.

The most important thing about specialized knowledge is that, unlike formal education, you can learn and apply it, making it the most helpful form of education.

As a man, you must educate yourself on different subjects. Not only will this allow you to acquire more riches, but you will be able to hold interesting conversations with strangers.

       3. Building wealth.

The other most important thing for a man is to get rich. Some may argue that money will not make you happy, but when I was evicted and didn’t have money to pay to take out my girlfriend, I was depressed.

The reason why money is important for a man is that you will attract a lot of women. This is not to say that they are golddiggers, but being rich shows you can provide for her. When you can provide for a woman, she will be in her feminine position as she will not have to worry about anything.

Although you may say wealth won’t make you happy, it will buy you freedom. I’m not saying I am rich yet, but when I was working at KFC, I certainly didn’t have freedom because my boss wanted me there when she wanted, meaning that she was in control of when I woke up and went to bed.

The other most important thing about having a lot of money is that you will become more powerful and influential. When you are rich, people will worship the ground you walk in regardless of how you acquired your riches.

If this is not enough to motivate you to get rich, then I don’t know what else will.

         4. Being healthy is more important for a man.

Now, you can be intelligent, wealthy, and have principles, but how will you enjoy your riches if you can’t even walk for ten minutes without running out of breath?

Being healthy is more important for a man because it helps make your life easier as you become less sick. If you ignore your health, you don’t care about your life.

It is important for a man to start eating healthy, avoid smoking, drink less alcohol, take supplements, reduce stress, and exercise.

        5. Being respected by women is important for a man.

When your woman loses respect for you, the love is over. How can you be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t treat or make you feel like a man?

It is important for a man to feel respected because if not, his self-esteem will drop. Honestly, some men don’t deserve to be respected, and at some point in my life, I didn’t feel like I was worthy of respect. I now understand why women treated me as they did when I was young. Women treat some men differently from some men.

For women or people to respect you, you must make yourself someone worthy of respect.

Also read:3 rules to get women to respect you in a relationship.

      6. Being confident is important for a man.

It is important for a man to have confidence because if you don’t believe in yourself, it is impossible to achieve anything.

The other reason confidence is important for a man is that it allows you to influence others easily. When you possess authentic faith, women will perceive you as the most attractive male among your peers.

If you want your peers to respect you and the people around you to take you seriously, you must work on your confidence.

With confidence, you can take risks and live the life of your dreams. While the average man only talks about his dreams, a confident man takes action to make his dreams a reality.

         7. Perseverance.

I started my business years ago and didn’t make any money, but did I give up? The answer is not. I made a bunch of mistakes and learned from them.

Perseverance is important for a man because it teaches you that success cannot be achieved overnight. Sticking with whatever you are doing long enough is important because you have only failed if you give up.

All people who make a lot of money with their businesses know that it didn’t happen overnight. It took years of hard work and sacrifice to get where they are today.

         8. Being Independent is important for a man.

It is important for a man to stand on his own two feet because it makes him feel like a grown man. There was a time in my life when I was evicted because I couldn’t pay the rent, so I had to move in with my parents. Staying with my parents was embarrassing for a grown man, but that was just part of life.

When you are not living with your parents as a man, you will feel like you are in control of your life, which is what you need to think like a man.

       9. Personal hygiene.

The other thing that is most important for a man is his appearance. Although some may say how you look doesn’t matter as a man, people judge you solely on your appearance. How you look is how you present yourself to the world.

If you don’t want to be taken seriously or respected, you shouldn’t care about your appearance. You might be a good man with principles, but people will only know that once they converse with you.

      10. Staying true to yourself is important for a man.

Yes, some people will criticize you for having a raw personality, but some will like you.

Being authentic is important for a man because it allows you to live according to your values. When you lie to yourself, you will live a life of regret.

Living according to other people’s expectations is like folding your hands and watching life pass before you.

Being true to yourself is the best gift you can give yourself in this world because it allows you to find your true talents, and if you lie to yourself, you will be forgotten when you die.

All the legends who died years ago or even decades ago still live in our hearts because they lived authentically, making it impossible for the world to forget them.

Being true to yourself allows you to live your life with purpose and leave a mark on the planet while positively impacting the lives of others.

       11. Mental health.

Having a healthy mind is important for a man because the suicide rate is higher for men than it is for women. This is because society puts so much pressure on men to be rich, tall, and strong. 

There are just too many expectations society places on men; if you don’t meet those expectations, you will feel less of a man.

Men tend to kill themselves more because we don’t open up as much as we should. Society teaches you that vulnerability is a weakness that leads you to bottle up your emotions, which might lead to depression.

As a man, you must put your mental health as the number one priority if you want to live a happier life.

          12. Having a creative outlet is important for a man.

It is important for a man to have a place where he can express himself because, without it, he becomes a savage beast.

Writing is a way to express my thoughts, which makes me feel good about myself. I always feel bad about myself if I go to bed without writing anything.

It doesn’t have to be writing. It can be painting or any hobbies you enjoy.

        13. Self-validation.

It is important for a man not to wait for anyone to make him feel good about himself. You have to be able to look in the mirror and validate yourself.

If you wait for others to raise your self-esteem, you will never find true happiness. You shouldn’t expect anyone to make you feel anything about yourself.